A nourishing blend specifically curated for women to help with hormonal imbalances including PMS, PCOS and menopause symptoms.
Product of South Africa
How to use
Give your bag a gentle shake to combine the tea leaves. Use 1 heaped teaspoon per 250ml of hot water, steep covered for 2-3 minutes.
Makes 30 servings of tea
100% caffeine and stimulant-free
One of the primary herbs in this blend is Vitex Chaste-tree berry, known as “nature’s hormonal balancer”.
This powerful blend can help with:
- PMS – reduce PMS symptoms, including breast tenderness, irritability, anxiety, depression, menstrual migraines and menstrual cramps.
- Irregular cycles – Regular use of Vitex has shown benefit for irregular menstrual cycles, including menorrhagia (frequent or heavy periods), dysmenorrhea (painful period) and amenorrhea (lack of menstruation).
- PCOS – Vitex regulates ovulation, increases fertility, and improves progesterone in women with PCOS and has shown to be effective in reversing the adverse effects of hormonal imbalance in PCOS.
- Menopause – helps treat menopausal symptoms including vaginal dryness, sleep problems and not flashes.
Red raspberry – is used to strengthen and tone the uterus which will work to reduce any menstrual cramping. Red raspberry is a rich source of iron, which helps to replenish us during our cycles.
Chasteberry – primarily known as ‘woman’s herb’ it is used for menstrual irregularities. Targeting painful periods and irregularities in our cycles and hormones.
Lemon balm – considered a cooling nervine, this herb has been used for its nervine action for centuries. Soothing anxiety and nervousness. It really is a gentle feel-good kind of botanical.
Disclaimer: These statements do not intend to diagnose, treat, care, or prevent any disease or illness. Please see your trusted healthcare provider.